Motice, make money noticable, is a set of transparent transactional affordances for digital bank system, allowing people better manage their assets seamlessly. By designing the synergy of sensory accessibility with privacy consideration, every digital currency could be traceable and accountable within the holistic payment experience.

We seized the opportunity that " digital money doesn't feel real " in a more invisible and untouchable way, which influence a lot to, no matter the elders who struggle in operating the less-inclusive digital bank system, or younger people with the blurry notion of “balance” getting lost in over-effortless transaction.

▪︎ July Review -- Amber Lundy (Amazon UX Lab)

" The design for Motice is playful and intuitive. It is also provocative in its solution to a very relevant problem space. Its multimodal design approach demonstrates great interdisciplinary collaboration and a good grasp of inventive UX. The subtle yet impactful concept with extensible elements was created in an accelerated timeframe. The design process and user considerations helped address initial accessibility and privacy concerns, making this concept a solid award winner in the
New Talent category. "
Bringing back the “weight” with realness of new digital currency.
In traditional physical transaction, 1. we can directly observe the amount of physical money with it tangible surfaces, even hear the coin or paper sound; 2. we can feel the money is losing by noticing the wallet become lighter and flatter after payment 💸.  However, those Intuitiveness of sensory and measurement were all weaken in digitalisation, just like digits in account changing with no friction.
Sensory Feedbacks + Measurement in Comparisons →  Consolidated Perception
What if we could explicitly notice the impact of every payment on saving or budget?
By translating every digi payments in equal value approach, with playful sensorial enhancement of money flow through visuals and audibles (Click Image and sounds on), the whole process become more easy graspable. People won't have to always check the status of a particular card budget and wasting efforts on the annoying steps in regular bank app, even before payment.
What if “ €30   ≈  10% my Budget ”
Privacy safe: Budget setting as secure metric for personal quantification
Considering different user type, motice sync feature allow users to use physical or virtual cards by situational demands. But the first step should be: People can customise their budget and set "noticeable" level in App. This information (number) is ONLY meaningful for you, so the display on physical card will not leak your privacy.
Research Challenge:  

Positioning key scenarios where “money flows” overlap with different motivations.
The research phase first included an Internal empathy workshop and quick user interviews regarding the feels of digital currency in the stakeholder's eyes. We see the sense of its realness somehow influenced the user retention rate and potential growth of digital bank service. But in which situation that people need or could benefit (in)directly from the realness in money flow?

To spark discussion, I facilitated brainstorm session to sort out the spending and charging emotive details along payment timeline in different user groups lens. Comparing its online and offline scenes, we narrowed down the 4 main interaction scenarios which is purchasing, transferring, donating and price checking.
Empathy Workshop → User Groups of "Realness"
Scenario Brainstorm  →  Key Out Moments
Ideation to Decision Making:
Integrate "flowing" affordance into connected touchpoints for more accessibility.
Considering the inclusive use of different user groups, we decide to execute the realness in both online and offline situation, so the bank card as a solid touchpoint would be the first potential. Based on that, we sketched out all the interaction possibilities of card payment, and visual prototyped the new surface of card and its interaction method with simple hinted motions.

With draft concepts, we back to 4 scenarios to capture the vague or overwhelmed feedbacks when interact with other touchpoints. In debrief alignments, we realised that the connected moments in card to terminal, (digital) card and NFC goods lacked cohesion, and were rigid or inaccessible during payment interactions. As concerns, we iterate the seamless sensory experience, amplifying "transparent" visuals and sounds that flowing between touchpoints.
"Flow" Prototyping → Tested Cognitive Load
Touchpoint Mapping → Refined Feedback Loop